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Install Fedora on Termux without Root! CLI Only

Agampreet Singh Agampreet Singh Follow Apr 02, 2022 · 2 mins read
Install Fedora on Termux without Root! CLI Only
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Today, I’ll tell you how to install Fedora Linux on Termux (CLI Only) without Root.
We will use proot-distro for installing Fedora on Termux.

So, Let’s start

  • First, install Termux from F-Droid
  • Now, open Termux and update and install dependencies to run the installation script: pkg update -y; pkg install git wget proot-distro curl wget -y
  • Next, Run this command to install Fedora: proot-distro install fedora (you can run proot-distro help for more info)

And now, Fedora Linux on Termux has been installed! You can login to Fedora using proot-distro login fedora. By default, there will be only root account and as the default user. If you want to create a non-root account, follow these steps:

  • In Fedora, run this command to create a user: adduser username.
  • Next, to set a password for the user, run these two commands:
    1. dnf install passwd (Installs passwd tool)
    2. passwd username. It will ask you for the new password.
    3. Now, to make it a sudo user, edit the sudo file by using visudo, and then find a line which has %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL and add a line after that accordingly, for example agam7 ALL=(ALL) ALL.
  • To login to the non-root user by default:
    1. In Termux (not Fedora), create a shortcut to login to the non user account - echo proot-distro login --user fedora > fedora; chmod +x fedora
    2. Now, to login, use ./fedora and you will be in the non root account by default!

You might face an error while running commands: /usr/bin/sudo: permission denied etc. To fix this error, run these commands one by one (first login to root from termux using proot-distro login fedora):

  • cd /usr/bin/
  • chmod -R a+x .
  • chmod -R a+r .
  • chmod -R o-w .

And tada! Fedora on Termux has been installed with non root account.

To uninstall, run this command (in Termux):
cd ~; proot-distro remove fedora; rm ./fedora

Note: You cannot use systemd as basically we are in a chroot environment.

Thanks for reading :) You can tell your queries/feedback in the comments section below. Bye 👋

Agampreet Singh
Written by Agampreet Singh Follow
A student who is also a Tech Enthusiast. Founder of this Blog Website